Elba Island Offers

Before you book your holiday, check the offers on Elba Island on the site and see if you too can take advantage of the opportunities that are gradually being made available to our users.
Depending on the time of year, we can have last minute offers, hotel offers with special conditions, Elba offers with free children, and of course offers linked to booking ferries to and from Elba Island.


Last Minute offers on Elba Island are the most sought-after offers, because they guarantee holiday packages at particularly favourable conditions, but with the exact same characteristics as the holiday packages that are sold at full price. Check the page with our special offers often and book on the fly!


For various reasons, and at any time of the year, the hotels in our group may decide to offer various types of offers, ranging from classic last-minute offers to family offers, or holiday offers with pets, and many more…
Check out the offers on Elba Island at the following hotels: