Elba Island Last Minute Offers

We have availability for Last Minute Island of Elba holiday packages, with the possibility of booking directly online in our hotels located in the most exclusive areas of the island. Securing a Last Minute formula holiday on the Island of Elba means guaranteeing a stay absolutely in line with the standard packages, without any restrictions, but bookable at absolutely advantageous prices, typical of the Last Minute formula… Simply by visiting the pages of our Hotels, you will be able to seize the best opportunities for your last minute holiday on the Island of Elba, booking with just a few clicks!

Normally the best periods for a last minute holiday in Elba are during the various “long weekends” that follow one another during the year, or last minute Easter holidays, or last minute stays at the beginning or end of the bathing season… That said, it is not impossible to find other last-minute holiday offers even during the hottest periods of the bathing season… However, we recommend visiting the pages of each hotel to check the availability of offers for the periods in which you are planning your holiday.



You can find Last Minute holiday offers on our Hotel pages. Below is the list of facilities.

We have been in the market for summer bookings on Elba Islandfor many years, and we are able to guarantee our customers impeccable service and constant assistance throughout the entire period of their stay, regardless of whether they book a standard holiday package or a Last Minute formula. Contact us with confidence!