Our online catalogue has numerous flats on Elba Island, able to meet the needs of a wide range of customers thanks to the rich variety of solutions for all needs. We also have flats with 4 beds, to meet the needs of families or groups of friends who like to spend their holidays in Elba Island in company, or smaller flats particularly suitable for couples who wish to relax in complete tranquillity or for singles who are travelling with a spirit of adventure and novelty. By filling in the search mask below you can view the data sheets of Elba Island flats in our database, located in splendid accommodation facilities and bookable directly online.
Types of flats available in our Elba Island catalogue. Our flats are within modern and functional residential complexes, equipped with all services and comforts designed to allow everyone to spend a carefree holiday, completely relaxed and “pampered” by qualified staff who, with professionalism and discretion, are always at hand.
Suitable both for those who love privacy and for those who are looking for opportunities for recreation and fun, the flats have rooms with a sea view and large terraces on which to look out to enjoy the splendid natural scenery of Elba Island, private swimming pools that allow you to stay in the facility even during the day, large rooms dedicated to dining, and common areas where relaxation areas, wi-fi zones and services geared towards children are available. For those who do not want to miss the opportunity to do sport and tone up their physique, there are numerous free and well-organised activities available, such as excursions around the island to discover the charm of a perfectly preserved and unspoilt nature.